Russian Red Army Rain Poncho Plashch Palatka

Плащ-палатка солдатская
Plashch Palatka or Rain Poncho /Shelter


An important piece of kit, which offered rudimentary protection from the elements to the Red Army soldier.

Cloth the size of 180 cm x 180 cm Weight 1400 gr

It was a square in shape, measuring about 180x180 cms and made from a canvas water proof duck material with draw strings incorporated into one corner. The strings could be used to tie the cape across the shoulders and also to form a hood. Small toggles and holes along the front edges were used to fasten the cape up and an arm vent was incorporated into the right front. Each corner also had a leather grommet.
When issued the cape came with a 4 metre length of rope, two short wooden tent poles, one wooden and one metal stake, and when combined with other capes it could be made into a 2, 4 or 6 man tent shelter. Due to wear and loss the tents were more than often erected using sticks and branches cut locally.

Post war capes can be identified by the use of brass grommets, metal dished buttons instead of wooden toggles and two small straps sewn onto one corner, used to attach cape to the modern back pack. With a little effort post war capes can be converted to look like a wartime one. When not being worn the capes were carried rolled "horse shoe" fashion over the left shoulder.

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